Our vision is to support the transition towards a more sustainable economy. We aim to bring new value to consolidated indutrial processes introducing circularity and sustainability.
Our mission is to apply material science to solve existing and emerging problems in waste material recovery and gas treatment, with resilient solutions.
At Resilco we are driven by high social and environmental awareness. We offer a passion for knowledge combined with strong skills in material science to develop new technologies to address some of today’s challenges.
Resilco - Società Benefit is a technology start up founded in 2019 in Bergamo, Italy, developing unique sustainable solutions for materials treatement and recovery with carbon capture.
Our proprietary and patented technologies deal with the
treatment of industrial residues of different nature.
Our unique technologies are versatile, can be applied to a wide range of industries and are easily integrated in different process schemes.
We actively collaborate with our clients and partners to develop and taylor our solutions according to their specific needs.
Our goal is to improve the environmental sustainability and circularity of the industrial supply chains involved.

David Callejo Munoz - Founder
Physicist, 20 years experience in material science applied at industrial level; advanced materials process design and operations implementation.
Technological, industrial and IP evaluation and validation for
strategic decision.

Resilco has received funding from:
• Programma regionale a valere sul Fondo Europeo di Sviluppo Regionale 2021/2027 di Regione Lombardia PR FESR 2021-2027, AZIONE 1.1.4. “Sviluppo e tutela della capacità innovativa del sistema delle imprese” - Bando Brevetti 2023.
• Programma Smart&Start Italia, decreto 24 settembre 2014. Contratto SSI0004883, CUP C86I24000840008.